Orice șofer care vrea eliberarea unui nou permis auto trebuie să plătească o taxă. Valoarea acestei taxe a fost majorată în anul 2020 de Direcţia Regim Permise de Conducere şi Înmatriculare a Vehiculelor (DRPCIV). Află cât este taxa de eliberare a permisului auto în 2025 și unde trebuie achitată! Cât e taxa pentru permisul auto […]
This article discusses the cost of getting a new driver's license in Romania in 2025.
The main point is that there is a tax associated with obtaining a new driver's license, regardless of the reason for the application. The tax rate was increased in 2020 and the article provides information on the current amount and where it needs to be paid.
This article discusses the cost of getting a new driver's license in Romania in 2025. The main point is that there is a tax associated with obtaining a new driver's license, regardless of the reason for the application. The tax rate was increased in 2020 and the article provides information on the current amount and where it needs to be paid.